
Smart Cities Consulting

Smart Cities Consulting


Contact Person

Contact Person

Andrea Geyer-Scholz



About Our Organisation - Smart Cities Consulting - A successful sustainability strategy

Smart Cities Consulting supports you in developing your sustainability strategy. We work with communities, cities and regions to implement campaigns for a more sustainable future. In doing so, we draw on a world-class network of leading European research institutions, as well as strong decision makers from politics and the private sector.

We help disseminate and participate in the implementation of groundbreaking research and tools for climate change adaptation and mitigation and translate this work into reliable services for our clients. Our main focus is on the specific needs of our project partners. As an interface between companies, communities and projects, we share knowledge, network relevant stakeholders and make the successes of your project visible to the public.

Our Role in KNOWING

In the “Horizon Europe” project “KNOWING” we support our project partners by

– the dissimination of their research results within an expert stakeholder community and the communication of successes to a broader audience

– establishing and supporting local hubs and their strategy to promote a local “bottom-up” transformation towards a climate neutral economy and society.

– providing tools and guidelines to facilitate the implementation of the project goals in the regions concerned.

Smart Cities Consulting works in close consultation with civil society, economy, administration, education and training. We always consider the utilization of results from research projects so that companies develop improved products and processes and the transformation to climate neutrality is also economically sustainable.

Why KNOWING Matters to Us

Our world faces an unprecedented challenge in the form of climate change, impacting ecosystems, economies, and communities globally. As a consulting partner, engaging in climate mitigation and adaptation holds profound significance for us and our stakeholders. KNOWING especially matters to us, because of its system dynamic model approach, which holds the possible opportunity of maximizing the impact of mitigation and adaptation measures.