In KNOWING dedicated tools and guidelines are designed to support target-group-specific awareness, education and decision making and improve the understanding of complex interrelations underlying climate actions and systems’ interdependency. This includes e.g., understanding what adaptation measures we can “afford” without further harming the climate, avoiding maladaptation responses based on incomplete knowledge of the system and motivated by short-term goals that often lead to unintended side-effects in other sectors or at the higher level, making other adaptation and mitigation measures ineffective.
What can we do to achieve our climate goals and adapt to climate impacts?
Follow our stories about people who want to make climate-conscious decisions and what they learn in dialogue with others about aspects that play into this.
How are mitigation and adaptation measures influencing each others? How do people of different walks of life deal with these changes?
Explore our Knowledge Base to find out what we found out.
How can we prepare for changes in our adapting systems?
Find out how we can support people in different sectors and professions to take part in the transformation to a climate-neutral society.
coming soon
Which policy measures are needed at which point to achieve a climate-neutral and liveable future?
Our Decision Support Service will show exemplary pathways towards climate neutrality and climate resilience for different types of regions, and how to apply them to your region.
coming soon
Project KNOWING is funded by the European Union - GA Project 1011056841
Copyright © 2024 knowing climate.