Climate action delay #2: Doomism

This week in our critical reflexion on typical causes for delaying, downgrading, or rejecting climate change action, we explore “Doomism”, which falls under the category of resignation fallacies.   The news of last weeks were characterised by reports about temperature records, marking July as the hottest month on record since 1880, extreme wildfires causing huge damage […]

Climate action delay #1: Technological optimism 

In our critical reflexion on typical causes for delaying, downgrading, or rejecting climate change action, we explore “technology optimism”, which falls under the category of overoptimism fallacies.   In our daily news feeds related to climate change, we increasingly encounter two main topics: alarming reports about ever more record weather events and encouraging messages about new […]

Discourses of Climate Delay – Excuses and how to counter them.

Within KNOWING we aim at enabling and accelerating transformation by considering both climate Hashtag#adaptation and Hashtag#mitigation. Because even though climate change impacts are observed almost daily, measures to adapt to and to mitigate climate change are still being implemented far too slow – but why? The arguments used to downplay or ignore the urgent need […]

Together we can

The world is changing dramatically, and our living environment is increasingly endangered. This affects all of us, no matter where, in what situation or in what role. We are in this together, and only together we can manage this crisis. We understand that change is needed, but one of the most challenging questions is how […]

Embracing the (predictably) unknown 

Humans are reluctant to change, and this is usually a good thing. Change means parting with the familiar and the trusted and entering something unknown, which may involve an inherent risk. But in a changing world, what is familiar may not be appropriate anymore, and the risk of not changing what we are used to […]

Post on Multiple Severe Crises

How a sistemic view on #climatechange can help us solve current crises. Our thoughts in KNOWING: We are living in a time of multiple severe crises. Besides society’s slow recovery from a global pandemic, our usual lives are also challenged by war, extreme weather events and inflation. Above all, there is the threat of looming tipping points […]

Post on Mitigation and Adaptation 

We need both climate #mitigation and #adaption to ensure a liveable future for us and our descendants. But which measures we choose and how and when we combine them is not without risk. Measures set in one sector can have negative consequences in another – such consequences can even multiply in self-reinforcing feedback loops. Human history knows many cautionary […]

Post on Tallinn Podcast

We are part of a podcast already 😃 Thank you Smart Tallinn Projects for the initiative! For all you the ones there, who want to practice your Estonian 😉 – the podcast talks about rising heat waves in Northern Europe and what cities like Tallinn can do to cope with them.It is therefore very much connected to […]

Why adaptation and mitigation need to go hand in hand to tackle the climate crisis 

As well as many other urban areas in Mediterranean Europe, the City of Naples has already faced a remarkable climatic variation compared to the historical reference period from 1971-2000. In the last few years, there has been an increase in minimum and maximum temperatures, seasonal precipitation patterns have shown an increasing alteration between extreme unexpected […]

KNOWING: „We will grow to like the alternative“

The latest IPCC synthesis report makes it even clearer: It can not be mitigation alone anymore. We need to adapt to an already changing climate. The research project KNOWING aims to find the most appropriate measures under the general condition of mitigation. Project coordinator Alexander Millonig from the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology on the […]